Silver is looking upward for 2-3 days. Targets: 41247-41340-41400+
Hurdle: 40835
Closing below hurdle means 40582-40114
Where to buy or sell MCX aluminium?
If MCX Aluminum close below 101.8 level for 2 consecutive days then sell for 100-99 otherwise BUY BUY BUY!
We’re looking uptrend – Targets: 103-104+
Sell MCX CPO on Top for targets: 530-526-520 for short term & intraday…
If open negative, then sell MCX Cardamom for 960-952 intraday targets…
Dhaniya made new low and yesterday broken almost 1.5 month low. If it opens continue negative, then today we’ll look again new low. Targets: 9136-9117
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