What is the NASDAQ Exchange?
The NASDAQ Exchange is a limited liability company and a corporation which gives a means for traders to execute stock orders for stock brokers, institutional investors and on-line stock purchasers. The NASDAQ Exchange was created in 1971 by the National Association of Securities Dealer to fill a need for exposure stocks that were not a good fit in the regular stock exchange. The NASDAQ reports on over the counter stocks for thousands of stocks not listed on the other exchanges. By the 1990s NASDAQ surpassed in terms of listings the AMEX Exchange.
In order to trade on the NASDAQ the trader and members must be certified and agree to the by laws of NASDAQ Inc. In 1999 NASDAQ merged with AMEX to form the NASDAQ-Amex Group. By 2000 the National Association of Securities Dealers sold their interest in NASDAQ to private investors.
NASDAQ operates similar to every business, these include Articles of Incorporation, Business Officers, By Laws and holds meetings. The NASDAQ LLC. is composed of regulating deck as well as in its destination has rules and procedures it operates under. With this quasi-governmental status of NASDAQ the Securities and Exchange Commission gives the character to generatte favorable NASDAQ operates counting on advantageous practices and procedures. Inside company engages in inside trading, fraudulent reporting of organization earnings and assets or the several patches of unfavorable practices governed through the Securities Act of 1934, the Commission will place ahead sanctions and treatments of those functions. Likewise, state attorney generals and then the U.S. Attorneys might bring actions in the courtroom to cure and desist these damaging functions well as acquire for violent sanctions.
A individual favorite of USA is Intel. In aspect as it is a function horse on the development sector and in element because I read and preferred Tom Wolfe’s book upon the bosses structure in Starting. All this wasn’t a biography, even so it did parallel the firm of the egalitarian workplace. The stock sells during a selection of $25 and gives under the ticker INTC.
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