Yesterday, I had written intraday tips on MCX Aluminium, Cardamom, CPO, Natural gas and Nickel. Click here to read mcx tips
Let’s start with Cardamom ⇣
I had written, “MCX Cardamom is very good item for intraday players. If open with green light then follow me:
Targets: 763 – 766 – 770+”
MCX Cardamom kissed all targets!

What I said about Natural gas, “MCX Natural gas closed at 321.1 level and if more pressure comes from buyers then it will kiss 323.2-326. Free users for S/L is yesterday low and members, wait for the next update will come in inbox!”
All targets done after come down!
I said, “CPO Support: 525.5
If break my support, then MCX players can sell for few hours. Targets will be 524.5-522.9
Remember, if close today below the our support level then we will look at 522.4-520.7 levels in coming days.”
It kissed my first target …
What you expecting now…!

MCX Nickel
I was saying yesterday, “Don’t think, I should to update in detail about Nickel.
Targets: 873-870-867 below…”
Nickel also kissed all targets… enjoy!
What else you need?
Note: I said, buy aluminium but if it opens upside and yesterday opening bell was downside. Thus, call deactivated!
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