3rd Dec 2010, what I had written?
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I had written many times, nickel will touch 1111. Watch now…
As I expect, yesterday nickel fired.
As I expect yesterday fired our copper. We have said to our long term investors, copper will touch 425+ when it was run below 386.5
Now what you expect about copper?
Do you want to know more about Gold / Silver / Copper & What is more?
I’m watching bullish trend in gold
It’ll take ride up after crossovers 20578.
Already crossed?
Targets: 20668 – 20785 – 20821
Skyrocket intact target – 20951
Silver up more than 2.5% & Copper/Nickel hits record highs as we expected. I have been writing about silver reasonably a lot in the last few months as investors have become fascinated by this commodity. Silver is probably the most explosive market at present time plus it has the would-be to move much higher in the next couple of years.
As I expect yesterday silver fired and my target touched. Now we’re going to take fresh lot from silver. Remember my support 44018 level? Yes, it breaks. I’m watching silver will touch 47044 but it will take so much time. Long Term investors for my rocket target 46000. Short term investors just watch @ opening bell carefully. Buy on dips.
Targets: 44700 – 44867 – 45098
Hurdle: 45456
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