Where to buy and sell Gold?
Hurdle: 25801
I don’t know what you guys and other people are predicting, but the future of gold is depended on this hurdle. If the gold will break and close below the 25801 levels, then I’m damm sure 25712-25610-25460 levels we’ll definitely see.
And the gold will stay above the hurdle then we look up continue uptrend for few many days! Also gold will travel 26070 – 26220+ levels.

MCX Index hurdle: 2485
If it breaks and stay above the hurdle then it may take a U-turn and start going up for few many days. But if the MCX index will stay below the hurdle 2485 level then we may see continue downtrend.

For agri-commodity traders, today NCDEX index may go upside up to 2856 level. If it stays above 2856 for 1-2 hours then we can think the ncdex market will become positive, but I’m expecting continue downfall.
Targets: 3566-3540 below
Best entry level previous close and risky level 3642.
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