Learn effective trading psychology techniques to improve your decision-making skills, control your emotions, and develop discipline for successful stock market trading.
Should-Phrases include: “The market should have” and “I should have”. Those phrases are often used to socialize losses. They are a strong signal something is off. They should be used to aid you in correcting your vision not make you feel better.
Must-Phrases include: “The market must…”, “I must make money”, or “I must trade”. The market does not have to do anything and neither do you. When you use the word “must” it is hardly ever from a position of strength. The market knows when you are desperate and will take full advantage of you. Keeping your expenses as low as possible will make it easier to not make those statements.
Won’t – Phrases include: “The market won’t…” or “I won’t make money”. Notice a theme here? You are part of the market, you are not the market. Not getting what you expect, even if it is positive, confuses the brain. If you expect to lose and don’t it is still a bad outcome. Your brain is going through enough as it is. The market is a one way walkie talkie, you listen, it talks.
Can’t – Phrases include: “The market can’t…” or “I can’t…” or “I can’t lose anymore”. Yes, the market can, go look at a chart. Go look at a Fed day or about any chart from 2008. Not only can it happen, it does happen. There are no more once in a lifetime moves in the market. There are and always have been life changing moves. No one ever said trading was easy, but at least in the case of futures someone is taking your money. If you think you can’t, you probably won’t. The market will take every penny you have. If can take every penny you put at risk. Fix the problem, when you run out of money it is too late.
Trading is Skill based Strategy (Would you good skill to have when trading?)
Herein, some of important thing for you to consider
Secret Numbers/Levels: MoneyMunch is providing only levels which not secret, but Secret is how to use this all levels properly…!
If you’re not using a trading level properly, and you’re following the same loser traders, you’reGambling with your money and your retirement!
PROFESSIONAL traders use a completely different set of rules and approach to the markets.
What will be in this level…?
You not need to consider below given Points while trading, cause of all factors will includes into level…!
1.) RISK & REWARD: Professional Traders must be keeping certain ration of Risk and Reward, but No…No…No Worry about it for you. Because we’re already keeping 1:3 ration of Risky and Reward in our levels, which means profit number be minimum 3-times from exit number.
For Example, BUY XYZ Script between 111 and 112, your exit level is 110 and targets is 117 above (CMP 111.6)
2.) DEFINE Your RISK (Manage Risk):Nothing is available in the world without risky, therefore Always trader should be known his/her risk before applying his/her trade. How much risky you are going to take is important for you…! Don’t trade where is out of capacity to take risky. You don’t necessary to find or discover your risk because we are providing exit level. That is not mind to apply STOP LOSS. But after touching exit level, you should never think for profit greedy. After the touched exit level, just give 10 minutes time to yourself for thinking with patience for minimizing your losses…!
3.) DECIDING QUANTITY FOR TRADE: Before or After get levels for us, you can easily how much quantities you want to trade…? Focus on your margin while deciding quantities for trade. When you are trading,
Don’t think that is JACK POT call. That is true, nothing is Jackpot…while deciding quantities, you should think for next trade also.
4.) RIGHT MEANING OF AVERAGE:This “AVERAGE” word is very dangerous if you don’t know right uses of it. We provide Range for Buy or SELL levels? So, by using of this range you can trade easily.
1st Decide your quantities, how much you want to trade? After deciding quantities, you can apply quantities to get your average price to Exit level. (Note here, don’t trade overnight, and just keep quantities as pre decided.)
5.) MASSIVE YOUR PROFIT: Don’t be hurry to take Profit…because sometime you can get way to more profit. After achieving Profit levels, just Give 10-minutes maximum to understand massive profit. Sometime, after achieved profit levels, form us you will more profitable levels.
“We want maximum profit, and we want minimum Loss”.
6.) CONTROL OVER YOUR FEELINGS:There are some feeling which are increasing and decreasing while trading (includes, Fear, Greedy, Confidence, Desperation, Satisfaction, etc.)
Always, you have to need control on Fear, Greedy and Confidence because changing strength over these factors is change your profit and gives confusion in your trading.
Easy Tool for controlling over these factors is simple name DISCIPLINE. Keep discipline while you are trading like I will follow exact and proper levels and I will never take position for next day in loss.
“Discipline is what will make you take a profit at the right time, get out with a small loss at the right time, wait for the right entry point or perhaps not trade at all“
Without doubt, no trader will last long if he doesn’t plan ever trade. But there is absolutely no point in making a plan for a trade if you are not disciplined enough to follow it.
A plan should cater for every eventuality. As Richard Dennis (Turtle fame) said, ”Don’t worry about the prices are going. Worry about what you are going to do when they get there.”
Thinks about what is being said here. Once you put your money down on a trade you cannot control the prices. So stop worrying about what could happen and concentrate on you trigger points and what you will do when these points are violates. By doing this your trading stops being emotional and now becomes very sysrematic and stress free.
With the price of gold as it is, penny share miners cannot believe their luck. Previous cycles have gone something like this: the gold price rises; opportunists take the chance to raise cash to go gold prospecting; they spend the cash on geological surveys, rock sampling and some exploratory drilling. Then, by the time they have found some gold, its price has subsided. Nobody is interested, and they cannot raise the money to get any further.
This time it is different. Not only is the gold price high, but many of the world’s biggest gold miners have given up on the struggle of finding new reserves. Instead they are relying on buying into the discoveries made by small adventurers.
Mine construction needs finance, but today the chances of attracting a rich big brother have never been better. In addition, the financial forecasts look rosy. Most gold projects launched two to four years ago assumed a gold price of $650-$850 per oz. At that level, all things being equal, they would be a commercial proposition and yield a decent profit.
But changes to the gold price make little difference to the cost of developing a mine. Every dollar on the gold price adds to the forecast profit. No wonder the gold sector is hot! And no wonder gold mining companies are beating a path to my door – literally!