
Todays Thought – Importance of Detachment


You need power to remain free from the influence of others. Detachment is this power. If you can’t stay detached from influences, you will not be able to keep your thoughts under control. From there it will be a downward spiral until all trace of inner well-being is lost. The first step in detachment is to understand who you are as a spiritual entity. This allows you to ‘detach’ yourself from your physical identity, and it’s world of limited thoughts and feelings, and ‘attach’ instead to your spiritual personality, the being of inner peace and power. A normal day will be filled with challenges to this detachment. On the one side will be your spiritual awareness, but on the other will be the attraction towards human beings and the material world. Detachment is not a question of becoming separate from the latter, but of simply remaining conscious of yourself as a spiritual being whilst being in the world and playing your part. Detachment simply means to keep yourself centred in your spirituality.

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