You can, and you will


” Always think… ‘You can, and you will’ … and you will accomplish so much more in your lifetime.”

Learn Stock Market Trading

Where do you go to learn stock trading? It is awfully strange and sometimes tragic that most of us actually learn it through hit-or-miss techniques, on our own, but there is no need for this. The Internet is full of resources that will actually teach you how to trade without risking your life’s savings. In the old days, the only people who could only trade stocks were either the traders on the floor, or people with a LOT of money to buy and sell stocks. They would hire a trader who would take a cut off the top. Up until around 15 years, ago you could trade stocks through a company, but again, they would hit you up for commissions and management fees, making small changes in the price of a stock meaningless. A stock would have to move a lot in order to make a purchase or sale worthwhile for you. Ordinary people like you and me did not learn stock trading until the late 90’s when online brokerages began to open up. With the advent of small trading fees and no management fees, it was then a viable option to trade small amounts of stock, even within the same day – day trading was born. As this evolved, most people began to learn stock trading by simply talking to each other. CNBC was only founded in 1989 and if you did not have cable television, you did not get it. You could read the Wall Street Journal, of course, but you couldn’t really learn stock trading by perusing it mostly all day. So, online groups were formed by people who traded in their bedroom. Eventually those people who figured out how to do it safely and profitably began to produce products – websites, books, e-books, and programs – that helped others to do the same thing. A new industry was born and trading stocks for a living became a viable option for a lot of people. Of course, a lot of that changed when the economy came tumbling down in 2002 and again this year. Some traders realized that they were putting a little too much trust in the wrong people and lost a lot of money in these downturns. Because of the volatility that the market has seen in the past decade, it is important that if you are going to trade regularly and put a lot of money out there, that you really know what you are doing. If you truly want to learn stock trading, one of the best places to start are websites like. This website has one of the most well-respected and authoritative courses on day trading available anywhere. Whether you are new to day trading, or are finding that the techniques you are using aren’t working and you need guidance, then Trade Stocks American can help you find your way. You can make a lot of money by day trading, but only if you do it the right way. This site can help you find your niche and start making money from day one.

Learn stock trading by using practice software that allows individuals to set up fake portfolios and make pretend buys and sales. Avoid jumping into the stock market without some experience with advice from a financial analyst in this free video on the stock market.

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Did You Seen The EDUCOMP?

You See The EDUCOMP?


Today Is the Goldan Day for ALL my Subscribers

Today EDUCOMP Moves as I Expect

It Go And Touch 566

Did you Seen That or Missed it Again?

Subscribe our free service and you’ll get all calls at exect time and exact level before market and also during market hours. Subscribe our free newsletter service.

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How to become a great trader?

Want to Become A Great Trader?want-to-become-great-trader

Want to Improve Your Self and Your Profit?

Are You Wanted to Become a Good Earner From Market?

Before Read This Topic You Have To ASK Some Question to Your-self.

Many new traders believes that they can become a great trader overnight. They also believe that it will not take that much work and stress.” This is simply not

true”. There are many steps you must take in order to become a great stock market trader. Here is a step by step way to become a great trader.

1. You must have to learn first  how the stock market works. Whatever you are using to trade the stock market, fundamentals, technical analysis or anything else,

you should first learn about it. Learn how you can decide if a stock is a good for buy. To do this you should read websites and books that are written by people who

are already making money in the stock market. See what they think is important and try using their systems on yourself.

2. After you have a hard understanding of how the stock market works it is time to develop your own system. Make a set of rules for you to follow when trading.

Buy when a stock does this, sell when a stock does that. These rules need to be precise so you will not have any trouble down the road.

3. After you have developed a set of rules for yourself then next step is to open a paper trading account. Practice trading with your rules in your paper trading

account. Follow your rules strictly. If you make money in your paper trading account, great, it’s time to move on to step 4. If you haven’t been able to make money

with your rules go back to step 2 and develop a new system. Keep doing this until you are making money.

4. If you have a system that is making money in your paper trading account it is time to trade real money. Be careful when trading real money. Most traders will

let their emotions control them when they are trading with real money. If you want to make money you have to get in and out when your system tells you to. It

might be good to start trading with just a small amount of your portfolio until you can trade your system without letting emotions get in the way.

“Good Luck”

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Disclaimer: The information provided on this website, including but not limited to stock, commodity, and forex trading tips, technical analysis, and research reports, is solely for educational and informational purposes. It should not be considered as financial advice or a recommendation to engage in any trading activity. Trading in stocks, commodities, and forex involves substantial risks, and you should carefully consider your financial situation and consult with a professional advisor before making any trading decisions. and its authors do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided, and shall not be held responsible for any losses or damages incurred as a result of using or relying on such information. Trading in the financial markets is subject to market risks, and past performance is not indicative of future results. By accessing and using this website, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this disclaimer.

Sell EDUCOMP Stock Tips



Watch 608

(Trade above it for 7-10min. …then Exit)

(Watch out – 585)

(Breaks it…then watch Panic up to 575-571 and 567)

Trade with A Few Quantities…

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MCX & NCDEX: CrudeOil, NaturalGas, Copper, Potato, MenthaOil Tips


Yes, our subscribers started to buy Natural Gas @ 185 and still HOLD…

Refresh your memory and check out I had written about Natural Gas 18/11/2010

Yesterday Natural Gas blast all our targets

Now what you expect?


You want to mint more money as expect?

Go and Buy copper @ Day’s low

Remember Hurdle – 386.5

crude oil - black goldYou want to earn big profit then go with crude oil

Yes, if crude oil open around 3841 then close your eyes and buy it

Crude Oil crossovers 3867 level then you’ll see unexpected movement

Target – 3890 – 3930

free commodity mcx nickel tips updates

Nickel playing around Hurdle, It can jump over back today but If crossovers 1034 then buy it

101% clear in your mind only profit – profit – profit

Targets – 1062 – 1073

Do you want to know more about Gold and Silver + Mentha Oil and Potato. Subscribe our free newsletter service.

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