Gold Trading Alerts & Ideas
The next gold strong support is 31300. It may take u-turn up to 31800 – 32000+.
But gold is not safe to short under 31300 to 31000 levels. It may drag it into a heavy downfall. More information will update for the members only. To become a subscriber, subscribe to our free newsletter services. Our service is free for all.
Technical Perspective of Silver
As per the previous silver’s report, it’s continuously following our levels and under range. In this week beginning, It can jump up to 37600 levels. Don’t sell above to this level (37600). It can push it up to 37800 – 38000+.
Nickel’s Support Level Is Broken
The nickel support level was 886. It has broken in the last trading session. Intraday traders can expect downfall up to 870 – 864.
Further information will update shortly. Don’t sell above 886 level.
Weekly outlook of Lead
Lead’s prices could collapse up to 132 – 130. It’s a TRAP! Don’t sell lead until you see two-closing sessions under 130 prices.
Below level 130, the following targets are waiting: 128 – 126 – 124
Uptrend starting point: 136 level
It can be up to 140 – 144 levels.
Update 2: Should we keep selling Natural gas?
Yes! You can.
Read the natural gas call first update.
Natural gas has touched the first target. It’s very close to the second target.
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