In this tough situation, I thought I should to say you one truth. If you’re thinking about Bullion sector (Gold & Silver) and following Dow Jones (U.S Market) then you’re doing totally wrong. Nowadays, commodity market direction is opposite to it. Smart traders never try to take position for short-term. I hope, you remember 20th September 2011. I had written about MCX Silver. And I mentioned – “IF SILVER WILL CLOSE BELOW 62746 THEN YOU’LL SEE BLOODBATH.”
If you don’t remember then – CLICK HERE. Did you see it?
Last 3 weeks, MCX Silver is running between two ranges. Top Level: 54075 and Down Level: 51538. If silver will cross and close above to my level 54075 then we’ll see it soon above 60000 OR if it wills choice down level then BIG BLOODBATH. Safe, secure and exact levels with discussion – Only with Subscribers
Nowadays, my eye on Cardamom & Crude Oil…
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