Have you executed successful trades on NSE DIVISLAB?
We conveyed our idea with precision,“Traders can have a strategic setup with healthy reward risk. If the price sustains below 3593, traders can short for the following targets: 3544 – 3518- 3465+.”
[23 October 2023]
- 11:45 AM – Price touched the first target of 3544.
- 12:10 PM – DIVISLAB made a new low of 3524.
- 01:30 PM – Price reached the second target of 3518, and made a new low of 3494.
[25 October 2023]
- 09:15 AM – DIVISLAB hit the final target of 3465, and made a new low of 3451.
If you have traded this setup, you could have made more 3% Return in just two trading session.
We will update further information soon.
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