Many people take to trading in the mistaken belief that it is the simplest way of making money. Far from it, I believe it is the easiest way of losing money. There is an old Wall Street adage, that “the easiest way of making a small fortune in the markets is having a large fortune”. This game is by no means for the faint hearted. And, this battle is not won or lost during trading hours but before the markets open but through a disciplined approach to trading.
1. A successful trader has a trading plan and does his homework diligently
2. A successful trader avoids overtrading
3. A successful trader does not get unnerved by losses
4. A successful trader tries to capture the large market moves
5. A successful trader always keeps learning
6. A successful trader always tries to make some money with
less risky strategies as well
7. A successful trader treats trading as a business and keeps
a positive attitude
8. A successful trader never blames the market
9. A disciplined trader keeps a cushion
10. A successful trader knows there is no Holy Grail in the market
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