Yesterday, Exactly Nifty future followed my level. I had written that selling will come to 11758 and NF made high of 11754. The target was achieved by NIFTY as 11667.
11700 PUT of NIFTY was achieved target 128 and made high (138) from Rs. 22.
This is spot Nifty chart.
Resistance is for spot nifty at 11674 nearby (suppose to not cross it and stay above it): If cross it then, we can face this level as fair value.
Targets for Spot nifty 11529-11518
Nifty future
Resistance 11738 and 11756 (selling expected),
if cross the price 11750 and stay for 15 min above it. Then NF can move up.
Support and targets 11654-11664 intraday.
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