RSI-relative strength index
“Inventor-j.welles wilder,jr, invented in 1978”
What is Relative Strength Index (RSI)?

Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator, Measuring the velocity and magnitude of direction of price movements. Momentum is the rate of the rise or fall price in RSI. It is used in computer momentum. The relative strength index was developed by j. Wellles Wilder and published in a 1978 book.
How to calculate RSI?

The smoothed moving averages should be appropriately initialized with a simple moving average.
How does RSI help in trading?

The price oscillates between 0 and 100, traditionally the RSI is considered overbought when above 70 and over sold when below 30.
When indicators start going above 70, then it’s called the market overbought, and it signals for the sell.
When indicators start going below 30 , then it’s called the market oversold, and it’s a signal for buy.
Uptrend and downtrends:

(1)RSI Bullish-indicators survive in the range of 50-100.
(2)RSI bearish-indicators survive in the range of 0-50.
(3)RSI sideways-when indicators survive around 50,minor momentum
Indicators pattern-double top and bottom double:

Whenever an indicator creates a double top in the range of 70-100,then is the signal of strong reversal.
Whenever an indicator creates a double bottom in the range of 0-30,then is the signal of a strong reversal.
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Good work and very well explained
thank-you for the rsi indicator analysis, it is very informative i have learned a lot
before i was not using any indicator now i think rsi will be best to use while trading
Good work and very well explained
I generally trade on your calls I make profit, this is different thanks for sharing the RSI indicator information. I’ll try to use in my trading.
I have seen most of your analysis past post good work.
nicely expressed and really felt the same today
Hello,My name is vinay tripaathi,
Wowww! Nice work on indicator, really very good work, keep it up my friend.
RSI indicator is most helpful in trading, thanks to know us about it indicator, I need more research about indicator like this, thank you
Perfect.. analyses
Good analysis
Good work on RSI indicator, keep it up this great job, thanks for sharing with us your artical, thank you
Hello my friend, my name is sachin,
Nice to see this article, hard work, countinue this good work …….. Best of luck
This is such a complete analysis, I truly feel like I am learning quite a lot from you! Thanks!
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