Warren Buffett
Title: CEO, Berkshire Hathaway
Age: 81
Source: Berkshire Hathaway, self-made
Residence: Omaha, NE
Country of Citizenship: United States
Education: Master of Science, Columbia University; Bachelor of Arts / Science, University of Nebraska Lincoln
Marital Status: Widowed, Remarried
Children: 3
Net Worth: $39 B As of November 2011
Earnings: $524,946 As of November 2011
Buffett recently raised hackles when he penned an op-ed claiming that his secretary pays a higher tax rate than he does, suggesting that “it’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice.” Obama then proposed a “Buffett tax” to ensure that no millionaire would pay less in taxes than a middle-class family.
2011 Highlight: In March Berkshire Hathaway spent nearly $10 billion to acquire specialty chemical maker Lubrizol, one of the company’s largest-ever transactions.