Guesstimate: MCX Silver, Crude oil, Kapas, Cardamom & NCDEX Dhaniya

mcx ncdex kapas cutton

110% looking Hot!
On last newsletter we had written to sell kapas and minted money from it.
Today we’re expecting, once MCX Kapas close below 960 level then definitely it’ll touch 950-938-922.
Intraday trader for our level is target!

cardamom mcx ncdex

MCX Cardamom looking weak!
You can sell it and Targets: 961-952-943-930

ncdex dhaniya

NCDEX Dhaniya looking bit risky! [Last Close: 4337]
You can buy it with targets: 4401-4430
Stoploss: 4299

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Commodity Newsletter: Gold, Nickel, Zinc, Crude oil, Chili, Cardamom, Cocudakl

Fed is going to be more accommodate with the printing presses, which is good for commodities and the European Central Bank also announced last week that they will basically have an open-ended bond buying program. That is also good for commodity prices moving higher. Crude oil has been rather flat in recent weeks and I am looking it’ll move downside soon with forming a V bottom, which usually indicates larger rallies and downwards ahead. And last, everyone know as I expect MCX Gold blasted Higher!

chilli ncdex

Looking very good opportunity in NCDEX Chili. You can sell it today. It can touch 4570-4551

cardamom mcx ncdex

MCX small players Go and sell Cardamom
It could hit 750 level
Short term target: 800

If you’re thinking for Buy Cocudakl then think again! I’m expecting totally different for it.

You want to know more about Zinc, Nickel? To become a subscriber, subscribe to our free newsletter services. Our service is free for all.

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Commodity Report: MCX Gold, Silver, Guinea, Oil, Mentha Oil, CPO, Castor Seed and more

MCX Silver and Gold have been rising in current weeks. The stock market and commodities have been rising recently in anticipation of a move by the Fed. The economy is still struggling plus most feel this shell game will maintain for a long time. If you watch the stock market, you can see a pattern of a slowly churning higher market. It is almost a 45 degree angle higher climb with a very tight range. This is point that the market will continue higher and you don’t want to fight it. The big players are controlling the market and they know what they’re doing. Crude oil could easily churn higher to the $100 level in the near future. Until sentiment in the market changes, you want to go with the flow. The stock market is the main indicator and the oil market will follow along.


Anyway, today I think MCX Gold and Gold Guinea both looking upside. Intraday traders have must eye on Guinea. It’ll kiss 24078-24101. What about Gold? I’ll write soon.

mcx mentha oil

I see good opportunity for small traders in Mentha Oil. Yep, yesterday our subscribers minted money from it but today I think to pass for everyone. Remember, it small piece is unsafe. Targets: 1348-1356

mcx cpo

From past 2 months, MCX CPO is jumping like monkey and everyone know monkey is monkey. That’s why I’m not going to write more about it. Targets: 556.5-558


Lion Heart traders, open you heart now and Go with NCDEX Castor Seed flow. Targets: 4345-4366-4382

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Commodity Newsletter: Crude oil and Turmeric


Today what you expect about Crude oil?

Don’t think more.. It’s looking 110% downward.
But where to Sell-Exit-Target.. I’m writing below for…
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Commodity Report: Weather report plus MCX Silver, Crude oil, Natural gas, Aluminum and NCDEX Corn, Soybean, Wheat more


Why Corn and Soybeans plowed to record highs last week? Because the weather reports look like a decent amount of rains have fallen on the Midwest. Many farmers and traders in the Midwest feel the rainfall has been negligible. The volatility is high for NCDEX corn, soybeans and wheat right now. Anyway, do you know about Silver, Crude oil, Natural gas and Aluminum situation?

What will happen this week in MCX and NCDEX?
Then subscribe our free service first because today I’m going to write about Silver/Crude oil/Natural gas/Aluminum and about Agriculture Commodities (NCDEX).

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